How to Write a Winning Scholarship Application Cover Letter


Writing a good scholarship application cover letter has been challenging to thousands of students across the globe. Many college students get turned down grant opportunities because they don’t have the knowledge of drafting a cover letter.

In this blog post, we would be discussing how you can write a scholarship application letter and also give you sample formats used in writing for easy understanding.


What is a Scholarship Application Letter?

A Scholarship application letter is a cover letter written to show interest in an ongoing scholarship, financial aid program or bursary thereby stating reasons why the applicant (you) chose to participate in the program and how the program would help the applicant achieve their respective personal and professional goals.

Basically, a cover letter is accompanied by other important documents by the University committee. The letter conveys your intentions towards the award. Writing a good application letter alongside, attaching the required information and documents increases the chances of being selected for the financial assistance program.

Parts of an Application Cover Letter

In order to capture the attention of the committee deeply, your letter must be written in a well-structured manner. Just like application letters for job, etc. A scholarship letter has to be precise, brief and well written.

Every cover letter must include the following information:

  • Contact information for scholarship feedback.
  • Personal information and qualifications.
  • Reason why you need the scholarship.
  • Why the organization should award you the scholarship.
  • Call to action.

Contact information for scholarship feedback

It is necessary you include your personal contact information such as a valid email address, telephone number, zip code, state etc. In order to get contacted by the scholarship organization if need be.

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Personal information and qualifications

Your personal information is required when applying for a scholarship. The reason is because, some applications require your personal data which includes name, address, age, school identity card, etc. This is used to determine if the applicant is qualified for the application and also serve as a means of contact.

Once you have written your personal information, start with a significant achievement that shows how much you value your particular course of study.

Reason why you need the scholarship

There is obviously a particular reason for applying aside being financially in need. It is important that you state worthy enough reason(s) why you should be awarded the scholarship. In doing so, ensure you keep your letter precise and brief.


Why the organization should award you the scholarship.

This is the section where you state the value you are going to get from the award and also the value you intend to give to the community during and after the duration of your study.

Call to action

At the end of your application letter a call to action is required but not compulsory. If you want the committee to give you feedback concerning your application, you should include a call to action. You can end the body of the letter by simply saying, “Thanks for this opportunity, I await your response.” Remember when I mentioned brevity? Endeavor to make it clear since you are expecting feedback from them.

How to Write a Winning Scholarship Application Cover Letter

From the aforementioned, you should already have a good insight on how to structure your cover letter. You must explain why you are a good fit for the opportunity. Ensure you clearly state the main points, which should be what the committee stands to gain when you are granted the award and also what value you intend to give to the community. While highlighting all these, ensure you make use of the formal language style of writing and avoid any typographical error.

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If you are applying for admission to an institution or a program. Or you are requesting a grant or scholarship to cover tuition fees or other costs for a program you have already been admitted to. Start with a formal greeting followed by the purpose for application which entails your skills, achievements and strengths.

What to avoid when Writing Your Letter

When drafting your letter, avoid using an informal style of writing. Do not abbreviate or make use of slangs. Also, avoid including your weaknesses. Always have a positive and strong mindset when writing your cover letter. Show your achievements, skills and strengths and ensure you keep your letter brief and straight to the point.
Do not forget to proofread your letter before submission and avoid adding any unnecessary information.


Sample Cover Letter for Undergraduate, Masters and Postgraduate

Karen Lucy
Student, Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Waterloo,
200 University Ave W, Waterloo,
ON N2L 3G1,
April 14, 2022

Mr. Allen Goldberg
Student Affairs Department
University of Waterloo,
200 University Ave W, Waterloo,
ON N2L 3G1,

RE: Scholarship Application

Dear Mr. Allen,

I am writing to submit my scholarship application for The University of Waterloo, Canada concerning the Financial Aid Program for Summer 2023.


Presently, I am a first-year student of the Master of Electrical Engineering program. To back up my claims, I have attached to this letter, copies of my academic accomplishments.

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Currently, I am battling with some financial difficulties; therefore, I am unable to pay my fee for the Summer semester. I am considering a part-time job to manage the finances of my studies, but it would not be enough to cover the full tuition and accommodation fee and I will not give full attention to my studies.

Based on my deprived financial condition, I request for a student scholarship so that I would be able to continue my studies in anticipation of an improved financial situation.

If you have any questions regarding my application, please reach out to contact me anytime through [email protected] or (123)-437 7980 to follow up.

Thank you for your time and this opportunity.



Karen Lucy
Student ID: 957923


Key features to remember when drafting your application letter

  • Highlight your strengths
  • Demonstrate academic excellence
  • Elaborate on your goals
  • Focus on your main reason for wanting a scholarship
  • Create a bond with your readers
  • Be able to sink your ideas to your readers (committee)
  • Use clear grammar to pass your information
  • Avoid unnecessary pleasantries and pitiful emotions
  • Proof read your essay
  • Submit and await a feedback
  • Relax, eat healthy and pray to hope on getting selected.

I believe you are one step away from achieving your dream scholarship if you put into consideration the aforementioned strategies. Kindly subscribe to my blog to receive more information about financial aid opportunities and applications in different parts of the country.
