10 Tips for Successfully Managing Your Time in College


Managing your time as a college student is very important to your growth and success during your study years, and a prediction on how prepared you are to face the labor market after graduation.

However, it is difficult as a teenager or an early adult to stay focused when there are tons of excitements happening around you. As an undergraduate student, I am writing not just from my experience but from my lifestyle as a college student. 


I will be sharing with you how I am able to avoid bad grades, have fun, create a side hustle and still remain focused academically. I am not a magician nor a genius, but I deeply believe in time management and I consider it a shortcut to success.

Many students are not well enlightened about the importance of managing their time in high school, college or university. This blog post will educate you on the importance and usefulness of creating a personal timetable for college. The success of these tips depends on your commitment and effort.

My Top 10 Time Management Tips For College Students

  1. Create a schedule
  2. Set Goals
  3. Prioritize tasks
  4. Take breaks
  5. Eliminate distractions
  6. Seek help when needed
  7. Stay organized
  8. Use technology wisely
  9. Take care of yourself
  10. Stay motivated

1. Create a Schedule

Are you a student without a schedule? Then consider your self a Scalar quantity (moving without a direction).

With a schedule, you can allocate specific blocks of time for studying, attending classes, participating in extracurricular activities, and even taking breaks. This can help you make the most of your time and ensure that you are able to complete all of your responsibilities and obligations. 

Having a schedule has helped me reduce stress and anxiety because it provides me a structure and allows me to see exactly what I need to do and when I need to do it. It also helps me stay on track and avoid procrastination, which can be a common problem for college students.

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2. Set Goals

Goals provide a sense of direction and purpose, helping you to stay focused on what you want to accomplish. They can also help you prioritize your time and efforts, allowing you to make the most of your resources and opportunities.

Setting goals have helped me track my progress and measure my success, which can be especially important in a college setting where you may have multiple assignments and responsibilities. This can help you stay motivated and inspired to continue working hard. 

Applying the SMART Goal Framework is an ultimate tool to help you set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.


3. Prioritize tasks

Prioritizing tasks allows you to focus on the most important or pressing tasks first, ensuring that you are using your time and energy wisely.

By prioritizing tasks, you can also avoid feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list and make progress towards your goals. This can be especially helpful for college students, who often have multiple assignments, exams, and extracurricular activities competing for their attention.

Applying the Eisenhower Matrix method will help you prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency.

4. Take breaks

Taking breaks helps with productivity and mental health. Studying and attending classes can be mentally and emotionally draining. Taking breaks allows you to step back, relax, and recharge so that you can return to your studies with a clear mind and renewed energy.

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During my breaks, I like to watch movies, play snooker, relax, listen to music, and visit friends for fun. You can apply the Pomodoro Technique to help break your works intervals, thereby creating time to rest.


5. Eliminate distractions

Distraction is an enemy of progress. It can lead to procrastination and low productivity. To avoid such, you need to discipline yourself. I was forced to cut off some things just to stay focused. You too can do the same by setting boundaries between family and friends, turning off notifications, finding a quiet place to study, using technology to your advantage, minimize clustered environment and take breaks.

6. Seek help when needed

When in need of assistance relating to your academics, don’t be afraid to ask your colleague who is ahead of you. Sometimes you may encounter difficult courses or topics which you need proper understanding about. If you cannot access your lecturer, look for your course mate who understands that particular problem to help you solve. This can prevent you from falling behind in class. 

7. Stay organized

Organization is key to staying on top of your responsibilities and making the most of your college experience. It helps with time management, and reduces stress.
To stay organized, create a clear schedule, take notes during lectures, keep a to-do list, stay on top of your assignments, stay organized at your hostel by creating a time during the week to tidy your room.

8. Use technology wisely

Leverage on technology by using productivity apps (such as scheduling app, to-do list and task managers), limiting social media usage, and turning off notifications for non-essential apps or websites when you are trying to focus.
Also remember that taking breaks and disconnecting from technology can help minimize distractions, save time and improve your productivity rate.

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9. Take care of yourself

Your self-care is as important as getting good grades and managing your time efficiently. Ensure you eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep. This will affect both your physical and mental well-being. Your health should also be among your top priorities.


10. Stay motivated

Condition your mind to remain positive while you push through your daily activities. To stay motivated, you can set rewards for meeting goals, or find a mentor or role model. Being motivated helps with productivity and achieving goals. Build the habit of staying positive and dedicated to your study plan and academic activities.


There are lots of distractions in universities, which is why creating a time management plan is very vital if you want to make the best out of your education. Outlined in this blog post are 10 time management tips for college students. I strongly ask you to judiciously following at least 5 tips for a start, then progress gradually.

College is fun and interesting, but it could also be frustrating if you fail to understand the tips and tricks of getting excellent grades!

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